La Cocina Española

La comida. No matter where we go in the world, we are always on the hunt for one thing: a good place to eat. Luckily, Spain makes this hunt easy for us, because no matter where you go, incredible food is just around the corner. However, since most of us are not in Spain right now, we have to do our best to turn our American kitchens into little pieces of Spain. While I am not the best cook, I do whatever I can to re-create the awesome food that I had day in and day out. For me, the best way to do that is with the Tortilla Española. While it takes some time to prep the ingredients (oh the potato pealing!) it is not a very complicated dish (except for the all important flip, but that comes with practice).

Check out this video below and see if it can help you through the process! Give it a go and I hope that you enjoy this little taste of Spain!

Here is a Spanish Version if you want to give it a go!



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